retailArena 2021

A Game of The Future

27 - 28 October 2021

Hybrid conference by

Main Partner

Online Commerce Day Partner

retailArena 2021

27 October 2021 @ 09:30 - 16:00 | 28 October 2021 @ 09:30 - 15:30

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retailArena 2020 - A revolution in numbers for the first hybrid edition


08:30 - 09:30

Welcome to Strategy & Marketing Day!

09:30 - 10:00

Opening remarks & Fireside Chat cu Felix Pătrășcanu, FAN Courier

10:00 - 11:30

Industry changes, after one year and six months post-pandemic

We’ll talk about who won and who lost. How business has evolved during the pandemic, what has changed and how business plans have been influenced?

11:30 - 11:45

Networking Break

11:45 - 13:15

Continuous development of commercial and logistics spaces

How have commercial and logistics spaces expanded in the last year and how has the market for interior and exterior redevelopment evolved? What programs they brought to light and how they attracted customers using digital tools and smart strategies for online.

13:15 - 13:45

Networking & Lunch Break

13:45 - 14:00

Consumatorul etic

MKOR va prezenta profilul consumatorului etic, și va încerca să răspundă la întrebările: Cine este consumatorul etic (profil demografic, comportamental, atitudini, lifestyle)?, Ce contează pentru el?, Cum este influențat comportamentul de achiziție? Datele analizate provin din primul studiu în timp real din România, Consumer Trends.Live, care monitorizează 7 industrii lunar, din Februarie 2021.

14:00 - 15:30

Sustainability in the 21st century

Investing in sustainability, despite an uncertain business climate. We’ll talk about investing in campaigns for the environment and for the local community. What are the benefits of sustainable measures taken by retailers and how do these costs influence the purchasing decision of the consumer.

15:30 - 16:00

Networking Break

16:00 - 17:30

10 Challenges for Commerce Experts: 10 Hands-On Situations Encountered by the World's Greatest Commerce Experts

This workshop aims to gather local professionals from various fields and help them overcome known e-commerce challenges in a relaxed and collaborative environment. The challenges were a part of the CMC (Commerce Management Certification) exam, a standard in the industry, hosted and accredited by EICOM. 

We’ll discuss 10 situations that can pose a challenge to even the most seasoned ecommercer, and, together, we’ll find the answers. This workshop will give you new insights on how to market correctly in different circumstances, smart going abroad approaches, smart logistics, or how to figure out how many call center persons do you need. 

16:00 - 17:30

Competitive advantages, natural selection & innovation

The strategy based on ‘competitive advantages’ helps companies to prosper, or in its absence, leaves the development of organizations to chance. The retail ecosystem has been in the disruption zone for a decade. Starting from Darwin, passing through the competitive positioning and through the innovation curves, we will put perspective in the market dynamics. Participants will leave with some clear strategic models to help differentiate themselves.

📌 Register here to book a seat at the retailArena Workshops!

08:30 - 09:30

Welcome to Online Commerce Day!

09:30 - 09:45

Opening remarks & Fireside chat cu Florin Filote, eMAG

09:45 - 10:00

Trenduri în Retail în 2021

MKOR va prezenta evoluția consumului în an pandemic - cote de piață, bugete, frecvență și pondere canale de achiziție - online, offline și omnichannel. Datele analizate provin din primul studiu în timp real din România, Consumer Trends.Live, care monitorizează 7 industrii lunar, din Februarie 2021.

10:00 - 11:30

The explosion of e-commerce and offline survival

What are the chances of an offline retailer surviving in 2021 without an online presence? What is online investment, what are the advantages and how much does it represent in a business?

11:30 - 11:45

Networking Break

11:45 - 13:15

Retail digitization: trends and technologies

Who changed their investment plan and redirected budgets to online - what were the gains and losses? What were the life-saving solutions for retailers, when and how were they implemented?

13:15 - 13:45

Networking & Lunch Break

13:45 - 14:00

How to scale 100X your E-commerce SEO and outperform major competitors

Doing SEO for a medium sized regular e-commerce website is relatively easy but when you've got tens of categories and thousands of products - that’s when things get tricky. Learn how to identify the ones that have organic traffic potential or matter the most, how to create a seasonality map at scale and what are the key elements to improve. Find out about our solution that helps you create individual content and optimise each page of your e-commerce in an efficient way, in a shorter timespan than existing solutions and processes.

14:00 - 15:30

Delivery, logistic and retail go digital in the 21st century

The pandemic created a dependency on suppliers and showed the importance of carriers for the final consumer. What are the other impediments for the industry and what happens when the authorities delay the important projects for the development of the country? How much ground is left for logistics spaces and what are the main poles of attraction and development in the country?

15:30 - 16:00

Networking Break

16:00 - 17:30

Winning the Online Search Battle - SEO for eCommerce in 2022

E-commerce has won the hearts, minds and wallets of the modern retail shopper thanks to its massive assortment array and ability to quickly and affordably fulfill orders. DWF measures search performance by analyzing daily search results for 200,000+ keywords throughout the year and scoring websites on a variety of factors. We use the world's best SEO analysis tools in the world and proprietary algorithms in order to identify trends & growth opportunities in search. Based on a stream of data from 400+ eCommerce sites in Romania, our specialists have the knowledge and expertise to see how the main retailers in our country are performing in Google's organic search results. 

Key takeaways:

  • The current eCommerce landscape in Romania and key players;
  • Top marketing channels for eCommerce in Romania (and YoY trend of SEO / Google Ads / Facebook Ads);
  • SEO strategy for prioritizing the optimization of product pages (pick your champions & quick wins);
  • Top SEO tips for eCommerce websites, based on 700+ SEO audits performed in DWF;
  • How you can effectively integrate Local SEO in your marketing strategy, if you also have brick-and-mortar stores;
  • How to measure your SEO visibility & SEO campaign ROI.
16:00 - 17:30

Social Media Ads tactics to rock the stage at the end of the year - Black Friday and Christmas Campaigns

The end of the year is an important period every brand should take advantage of. On Black Friday and Christmas people are more willing to buy, and Social Media campaigns could generate a big plus in revenue. Learn how to use Social Media effectively for your business, how much money you should invest and how to split your advertising budget to boost your conversions.

Here are some of the topics from the workshop:

☑Black Friday winning strategies - How to attract more customers

☑What channels to approach and how to communicate

☑How to set your budgets in the period with the highest sales potential

☑What are the winning campaigns and targets

☑How to stand out in the sea of active ads

☑Premises for this year's results

📌Register for the retailArena Workshops! -

Why should you join retailArena?




Practical Solutions that can be immediately applied to your business and the latest retail information & key numbers





Practical applications from marketing and sales strategies and new ideas for new times: the advantages of online commerce





Networking with current and future business partners in a relaxed environment where you can identify new business opportunities


Main Partner

Online Commerce Day Partner

Gold Partners

Silver Partners


Supporting Partner

Media Partners


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